The Rotating Earth and Plate Tectonics

This work explores the nature and origin of the forces responsible for the unrelenting unidirectional movements of continental sized masses away from what was Pangea c. 275 Ma years ago to their present positions.

The analysis given demonstrates that the forces responsible for tectonic movements are related to the rotational velocity of the Earth which is dependent on the Sun’s gravitational pull on the asymmetrical positioning of the Earth’s centre of mass.

The resultant unbalanced rotation gives rise to the Earth’s wobble and the significant circumferential forces that move the continental masses. It is these tectonic movements in which continental and oceanic crusts are continuously forced into the mantle, that forever ensures that the lithosphere is recycled and regenerated.

Furthermore, the offset ‘centre of mass’ gives rise to the generated and tilted N-S principal axis of rotation that applies to all the planets. This action also yields a viable explanation regarding why all the planets (Venus apart) rotate in the same direction as the Sun.

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The sight of undisturbed sedimentary rocks on the top of the Bolivian Andes in 2001 prompted this research into the magnitude of the unrelenting forces associated with plate tectonics.

My wife Betty who put up with my obsession with tectonics to the exclusion of all other domestic matters.

David J. Tompkins for valuable help with mathematical modelling.

Professor Richard Howarth, University College, London, for his help with the statistical analysis of the tensile stress forces.

Dr John Crocker for help with the verification of the mathematical analysis and encouragement.

Allan Wheeler, retired Government Scientist, for factual verification, constructive discussions & editing.

Dr Stuart Harker, Professor Emeritus, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, for factual corrections and encouragement.

Dr Shigeyuki Suzuki, Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth Sciences, Okayama University for factual advice, editing, illustrations, and encouragement.

Dr Richard Moody, Professor Emeritus, Surrey University, Guildford, whose field trips inspired my love of geology.

The late Dr RF (Bob) Symes, Natural History Museum, who gave me a detailed insight into mineralogy.

Natalie Batten (BSc) for formatting and editing.

Viki Sizgoric for the original illustrations.

Jean Sippy and Ruth Weinberg for editing.

Brian Warshaw for collating the dates and correspondence associated with this project.

I also thank all my friends at the various Local Groups and affiliates of the Geologists’ Association and the Harrow and Hillingdon Geological Society for the encouragement they offered.