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  4. References. The apparently old references used in the sections dealing with an overview of tectonic movements as being a function of subduction forces is justified as the original arguments have been continuously, and still are, current wisdom. The bulk of the paper deals with the mathematically related conceptual work in which tectonic movements are shown to be a derivative of the forces associated with the rotation of the Earth. There is a noticeable absence of published work on this aspect of tectonic movements.

  5. Illustrations, multimedia. As this is a zero-profit publication, use has been made of information gleaned from published NASA publications and those of the Geological Society as published on the internet and displayed by Google. Once again, most of the illustrations seem to be been repeatedly copied with minor variations by different educational and scientific organisations. The author made several attempts (without success) to get permission for reproducing some of the illustrations dealing with the plotted motions of unbalanced shafts.